(Plan ahead!)
Carolyn Favor Kibbe
(518) 677-3067
Portrait commissions
Basic portrait: One person, simple background, up to 36”
Head and shoulders —————————————————–$900.
Three-quarters, including hands —————————————$1000.
Full length standing, seated, etc. ————————————–$1200.
Portraits take an average of three months for completion. The artist will consult with the client about the painting and take numerous photographs of the client. In consultation with the client, the artist will select the photograph(s) to be used and decide on the size. The client will then pay one-third of the agreed price.
At an early stage in the painting, the client and artist will discuss the painting, to decide whether to continue with the commission. If the client decides at that time not to proceed, s/he will forfeit the down payment already made. If the artist decides not to continue, the down payment will be returned to the client. If the client decides to proceed with the portrait, s/he will then pay one-half of the remainder of the price.
When the picture is finished, if the client decides not to purchase the painting, s/he will forfeit the two payments already made. The final third of the price is due when the painting is finished and accepted by the client. The artist maintains copyright ownership of the painting, and the painting may not be reproduced/used for any commercial purpose by the client.
Prices for portraits over 36”, specific detailed background, pet included, etc., will be discussed and agreed on by client and artist.
Prices do not include tax or framing.